Innovative therapy access
Uniphar is the global leading expert in cell and gene therapy access, guiding groundbreaking therapies to support commercialization.
Our expanded access experience has shown how these programs are integral to a successful strategy for cell and gene therapy.
Our pillars of service
With extensive expertise across the full product lifecycle, we navigate complex scientific, regulatory and operational challenges to deliver tailored solutions that optimize patient access worldwide.

Our unrivalled experience spanning multiple cell and gene therapy access programs, combined with an expert team ensure confidence and success in facilitating patient access world wide

experience to ensure meticulous execution of complex initiatives. Our global platform draws together multifunctional teams and infrastructure for execution excellence

50 countries served
6 years’ CGT experience
500+ patients treated
From our partners

Delivering gene therapy in a highly regulated environment

Equitable access: How can we make cell and gene therapies a reality or possibility for all mankind?

The role of expanded access in cell and gene therapy

Cross-border Expanded Access Programs: Reducing barriers to treatment access

Three key steps to bring EAPs to a global market
Learn more about our service areas
Enabling equitable access
Commercial services for pharma
Your CGT partner
Whether it’s an expanded access program, regulatory approval, reimbursement strategy or commercial launch, we have the agility and vision to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving landscape.
Trust us to be your partner, unlocking the transformative potential of cell and gene therapies for patients globally.